BlueJ Color Conventions:

This document contains a list of RGB color information for various types of text displayed in the BlueJ code editor window. When using example code in the CIMEL multimedia, developers should follow the same color conventions that BlueJ uses, which is documented below.

BlueJ Color Information:

Code Type Color RGB Notes
keyword red r:207 g:0 b:0use for primitive data types, "void", "extends"...
reserved word purple r:0 g:96 b:159ex: public, if, else, while, return, switch, case, break, try, catch, instanceof
special word blue-green r:0 g:0 b:0ex: true, false, null...
comment blue r:0 g:0 b:159single line and multi-line comments
string green r:0 g:96 b:0include double quotation marks with the string
regular code black r:0 g:0 b:0

BlueJ Code Example

The colors don't always show up this clearly in BlueJ. To check your own colors, take a screenshot of your BlueJ code with Alt+PrntScrn, paste into Photo Editor, save to a file, and import to Flash. Zoom in and use the dropper tool to get the exact RGB color mix.

Documented by: dasc 1/03